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    • 天行一中寒假英国游学之旅——观世界,看自己
    • 2020年02月22日来源:南方企业新闻网

    提要:看到每位学子站上讲台的侃侃而谈,默契的团队合作,此行,他们真的全力以赴,以个人,以小组,以天行意志在全情投入这几天的学习。对于拿到或没有拿到letter of attainment的同学们,他们一定也知道:努力不一定有回报,但不努力绝对没有。所有付出的一切,都一定是值得的。


    今天我们将推出“天行人不断学习系列一之游学带队老师篇”,这篇文章的作者便是此次研学的带队老师——李萍Christine。他们在伦敦这个城市里走着,看着,感受着,体验着,参与着,有了超出预料的收获。而伦敦也一路见证着天行学子们的A(Ambitious有野心)、B(Bold勇敢无畏)、C(Caring 关爱他人)、D (Devoted全情投入)、E(Erudite博学多识)。


    Imperial college London and the university of Cambridge are among the world's top universities which can be compared favourably with ivy league universities located in the United States. The G5 group is particularly popular in China, and the elite universities in Britain have naturally become the key point that we pay attention to.As the saying goes, one picture is worth a thousand words. There are a vast number of  prestigious universities in Britain,Which ones are suitable for our students?During the winter holiday this year, 28 10 grades students from Teensen International School went to London for in-depth investigation and communication under the leadership of Kelvin and Eva and me.


    伦敦,温文尔雅又个性十足,内敛矜持又前卫张狂,我们在这个城市里走着,看着,感受着,体验着,参与着,有了超出预料的收获。而这个城市也一路见证着天行学子们的A(Ambitious有野心)、B(Bold勇敢无畏)、C(Caring 关爱他人)、D (Devoted全情投入)、E(Erudite博学多识)。

    We were walking in the city,London,a city that is gentle and cultivated and personalized, missish and advant-garde, we watching,feeling,experiencing and participating,and we have some unexpected harvest.Besides this city has also seen students’ A (Ambitious), B (Bold), C (Caring), D (Devoted), E (Erudite) throughout the whole journey.


    看见你们To be Ambitious (有野心)

    游学行程中名校之旅的第一站是帝国理工学院(Imperial College London以下简称IC),IC电子电气工程专业的博士后讲师,也是帝国理工与清华智能电力与能源系统联合研究中心的副主任滕飞教授,他为我们详细介绍了帝国理工学院。据了解IC最受欢迎的学科是工程、医学、自然科学以及商科,IC里65%的学生来自除英国以外的其他国家,其中,中国学生最多,2019年最新的数据是2600名。35%的教职工也来自世界其他国家。所以它是一所真正意义上的International University。

    The first stop of the tour is Imperial College London (IC is called for short), a post-doctoral lecturer in electrical and electronic engineering of IC, and deputy director of the joint research center for intelligent power and energy systems of Imperial College and Tsinghua university who is called Fei Teng gave us a detailed introduction of IC.According to the understand we knew that the most popular subjects of IC are engineering, medicine, natural sciences and business, with 65% of its students coming from countries out of the UK, among which the largest proportion of them come from China, with the latest figure of 2,600 student in 2019.Thirty-five percent of the faculty are from other parts of the world.Therefore, it is an International University in the true sense.


    Dr.TENG 还重点讲解了IC可以通过UCAS系统申请,每年的1月15日是申请截止日期,IC不接受直接申请或者是交换留学要求。在入学成绩上,IC要求除了扎实的专业课成绩外,还要求数学至少A*,物理A,还有一个第三门学科A,个人文书和专业的推荐信也非常关键。

    Dr.TENG also emphasized that IC can be applied through the UCAS system. The deadline for application is January 15th every year. IC does not accept direct applications or exchange requirements.In addition to marvellous academic performance, IC requires at least A* in mathematics and A in physics, as well as A in the third subject . Personal documents and professional letters of recommendation are also particularly crucial.


    名校之旅第二站是剑桥大学,讲座是由剑桥大学土地经济学教授Thies Lindenthal教授的讲授,Thies教授是土生土长的德国人,他本科阶段学习的是计算机科学,中途辍学去创办了自己的软件公司。与此同时,继续在荷兰攻读商务管理专业。最后,一路过关斩将来到了剑桥大学攻读土地经济学专业的博士学位。他表示,想要进入剑桥大学,首先必须要在年级中名列前茅并且在自己想要学习的学科领域表现卓越。此外雅思要求7.5分,小分不低于7分。申请剑桥大学,除了要在UCAS上递交申请之外,还需要再通过剑桥大学自家的申请系统Cambridge Online Preliminary Application (COPA)。傲娇的剑桥大学面试更有意思,面试官有时候会问一些很奇葩的问题比如“How would you poison someone without the police finding out 如何给一个人下毒,且不会被警察发现?”还有“What would you do if I were a magpie 如果我是一只喜鹊,你会做什么?”

    The second stop on the tour was Cambridge university, where the lecture was given by Thies Lindenthal, professor of land economics. Thies, a native German, studied computer science as an undergraduate before dropping out to start his own software company.Meanwhile, he continued to study business management in the Netherlands.Finally, he overcame all the difficulties in the way to the university of Cambridge to study for a doctorate in land economics. He says,to get into Cambridge, you must first be the best among all candidates and become remarkable in the subject that you want to study.In addition, IELTS requires a score of 7.5, with a minimum score of 7 at each part.To apply for the university of Cambridge, in addition to submitting the Application on UCAS, the university of Cambridge's own Application system, the Cambridge Online Preliminary Application (COPA), is also required.Tsundere Cambridge university interview is even much more interesting, with interviewers sometimes asking bizarre questions for instance "How would you poison someone without the police finding out?""And" What would you do if I were a magpie?

    ▲同学们在剑桥大学聆听Thies Lindenthal教授的招生讲座


    No matter Imperial College or Cambridge, there is no doubt that the selection process is very rigorous, but the charm and highly personalized academic atmosphere of the prestigious universities is extremely evident in the two admissions officers' meetings.Before coming to the UK, many students had always thought of Oxford and Cambridge as a pure place for genius and could not be compared with them.Now it seems that people who can come here is just because they have dreams and brave to work hard .Why not us?Perhaps Oxford and Cambridge are not far away, we think they are far away just because of our inner obstacles.As long as we are unswervin to make our own efforts to go on,it will lead to a brilliant place ahead!

    看见你们Bold 勇敢无畏

    行程中为期三天的义工活动,最令人印象深刻的是,为了给Fulham Reach Boat Club募捐资金,同学们分成小组走上陌生的伦敦街头去发放宣传单,以帮助更多的人有机会接触这一项目。同学们刚开始都很紧张,又有点害怕,每次说出:“sorry,excuse me...”之后,很多人都微笑着拒绝,但总有人成功了,是的,人生充满着拒绝,但只要坚持,总有人会为你驻足停留,特别是当同学们自信地用英文交流所获得的满足感,是无法用任何一种价值来衡量的。甚至当活动快接近尾声,在集合的路上,同学们依旧没有停止向路人宣传这个活动。

    ▲为Fulham Reach Boat Club募捐



    看见你们Caring 关爱他人

    记得刚到英国的时候,就有同学提醒老师,Jessica即将在英国过生日,没想到大家去超市的时候买的都是送给Jessica的生日礼物;更让暖心的是,在西餐厅用餐时,大家看到忙前忙后一直服务我们的英国小哥非常辛苦,听闻老师倡议给小费时,大家纷纷赞同,也贡献了自己的部分。这位小哥知道我们来自中国后,兴奋地不停地说谢谢。在我们录播“Happy New Year”视频时,现场其他的客人也为我们响起阵阵掌声。





    Dribs and drabs love has enable Teensen’s spirit widerly spreaded, thanksgiving make us understand love, share love, spread love!

    看见你们Devoted 全情投入&Erudite 博学多识

    在参观宝马mini工厂、大英博物馆、英国自然历史博物馆、剑桥大学城及温莎城堡等景点后,带队老师们安排了每天必不可少的Project&Discussion ,希望同学们养成认真聆听、勤于思考、团队协作的好习惯!无论是分组Q&A问答,还是小组presentation展示总结,视频任务的布置等,每一位同学都带着责任感和使命去参与每天的行程,而不仅仅只是简单的游览和参观。我们看到的是每一处参观游览,同学们都投入的记录着,观察着。这让我们几位带队老师非常兴奋!




    But the most exciting part of the trip was the three days of professional courses at university college London (UCL).


    On the first day, We had the honor to listen to the lecture of Dr.Chueng, a famous doctor of UCL architecture department, The Belt And The Road initiative PPP expert of the national development and reform commission with a Taiwanese, and learned about the evolution history of London's urban structure design.we were almost familiar with the whole history of Britain, the lecture is humorous, lively and interesting, He also continued to praise and encourage everyone, students were stimulated and laid a solid foundation for the next course!


    第二天授课教授是Chris Brierley,曾在耶鲁大学担任博士后研究员,现任UCL地理系环境科学副教授。他的授课方法很有意思,地理加物理知识专业讲解了global warming,很欣喜看到同学们都融入其中,尤其令人印象深刻的是教授Chris Brierley 的group discussion的方法。在解释完所有理论点之后,用类似模联的形式让同学代表各个department提议proposal。最感人的是结尾部分对个人情感的分类/深挖,站在教室不同的角落,代表不同的情感,让同学们接受采访。下课回到酒店后,晚上同学们还继续忙碌讨论第三天的presentation考核,月亮不睡,他们不睡。

    ▲Chris Brierley老师的课堂

    第三天授课的是Professor Ramin Nassehi,他先后毕业于牛津大学与伦敦政治与经济学院,现在UCL经济系教授。一开始,听说他是UCL经济学最王牌教授,非常strict,我们几位带队老师都有点担心。但教授很懂中国学生,他那句”I have all the time to wait”让大家知道“你必须开口”。除了用简单通俗的教学法让我们懂得什么是“世界经济”,最重要的是教会我们如何做presentation:一定要有清晰的outline,一定要有shock你的message,一定要有令人反思的summary。很快,就到了最激动人心的presentation小组展示部分,同学们从“上课时鸦雀无声”到“令人瞠目结舌地频频点头”。连第一天上课的教授看到同学们第三天的表现后,都称赞同学们真的进步很大。

    ▲Professor Ramin Nassehi的课堂


    看到每位学子站上讲台的侃侃而谈,默契的团队合作,此行,他们真的全力以赴,以个人,以小组,以天行意志在全情投入这几天的学习。对于拿到或没有拿到letter of attainment的同学们,他们一定也知道:努力不一定有回报,但不努力绝对没有。所有付出的一切,都一定是值得的。


    We see ourselves by seeing the world .Study Tour allows us to see the world from a more diversified perspective and is also a way to re-open ourselves.On this trip, we did see both our strengths and our weaknesses;It makes the path of our life more solid, more smooth,and our goals are more clear.I think the impact of the study tour on all sides can not be fully measured today;It planted a bunch of seeds in the place that we can see or can not see, which can make students go to the bigger world firmly, become a better version of themselves!
